Ethics in Practice (4th edition)

Preface to the instructor


General Introduction

Theorizing about Ethics

Reading Philosophy 

N: New to 4th edition

R: Revised for Ethics in Practice 

W: Written for Ethics in Practice

Ethical Theory


“Consequentialism” William H. Shaw [NW]


“Deontology” David McNaughton and Piers Rawling [W]


"Rights" George Rainbolt [NW] 


“Virtue Theory” Rosalind Hurshouse [W]

Part I. Life and Death



" Rule Utilitarianism and Euthanasia” Brad Hooker [W]


"Justifying Physician-Assisted Deaths” Tom L. Beauchamp [W] 


“Against the Right to Die” J. David Velleman [R]


"Dying at the Right Time: Reflections on (Un)Assisted Suicide” John Hardwig [W]


“A Duty to Care” Felicia Cohen and Joanne Lynn [RN]





"A Defense of Abortion” Judith Jarvis Thomson


"On The Moral and Legal Status of Abortion" Mary Ann Warren [R]


"An Argument that Abortion is Wrong" Don Marquis [W]


“The Moral Permissibility of Abortion” Margaret Olivia Little [N]


“Virtue Theory and Abortion” Rosalind Hursthouse [R]





"All Animals Are Equal" Peter Singer 


"Moral Standing, the Value of Lives, and Speciesism" R.G. Frey 


"The Case for Animal Rights” Tom Regan 

  “The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research” Carl Cohen [N]


“Animal Experimentation,” Hugh LaFollette [NR]



Part II. The Personal Life

Family and Sexuality


"What Do Grown Children Owe Their Parents?" Jane English


"Morality, Parents and Children" James Rachels


"Same-sex Marriage" Maggie Gallagher [N]


"Same-sex Marriage" John Corvino [NR]


"Cognitive Enhancement" Allen Buchanan and David Crawford [NW]




Biomedical Technologies


“Artificial Means of Reproduction and our Understanding of the Family” Ruth Macklin


“Is Women’s Labor a Commodity?” Elizabeth S. Anderson


“Goodbye, Dolly: the Ethics of Human Cloning” John Harris


“The Wisdom of Repugnance: Why We Should Ban the Cloning of Humans” Leon R. Kass




Part III. Liberty and Equality

Paternalism and Risk


“Individuality” John Stuart Mill


“On Improving People by Political Means" Lester H. Hunt


"Against the Legalization of Drugs" James Q. Wilson


“Why We Should Decriminalize Drug Use” Doug Husak


“The Liberal Basis of the Right to Bear Arms” Todd C. Hughes and Lester H. Hunt [R]


“Gun Control” Hugh LaFollette



Free Speech


“Freedom of Thought and Discussion” John Stuart Mill


“The Price We Pay? Pornography and Harm” Susan J. Brison [R]


“The Right to Get Turned On: Pornography, Autonomy, Equality” Andrew Altman


"Sticks and Stones” John Arthur [W]


“Speech Codes and Expressive Harm” Andrew Altman [W]



Sexual and Racial Discrimination


“Racism” Michele Moody-Adams


“Servility and Self-Respect” Thomas E. Hill, Jr.


"Sexual Harassment" Anita M. Superson


"Date Rape" Lois Pineau


"Men in Groups: Collective Responsibility for Rape" Larry May and Robert Strikwerda [R]



Affirmative Action


“Against Affirmative Action” Louis Pojman [R]


"The Rights of Allan Bakke" Ronald Dworkin


"Affirmative Action As Equalizing Opportunity: Challenging the Myth of Preferential Treatment” Luke Charles Harris and Uma Narayan [W]



Part IV Justice



“Punishment and Desert” James Rachels [W]


“Out of Character: On the Psychology of Excuses in the Criminal Law” John Doris [W]


“Does Punishment Work?” John Paul Wright, Francis T. Cullen, and Kevin M. Beaver [W]


“In Defense of the Death Penalty” Louis Pojman


“Against the Death Penalty” Jeffrey Reiman



Economic Justice


“A Theory of Justice” John Rawls


"The Entitlement Theory of Justice" Robert Nozick


"Displacing the Distributive Paradigm” Iris Marion Young


“Economic Competition: Should We Care about the Losers?” Jonathan Wolff [W]



World Hunger


"Famine, Affluence, and Morality” Peter Singer


"Famine Relief and the Ideal Moral Code” John Arthur [W]


“Eradicating Systemic Poverty: Brief for a Global Resources Dividend” Thomas W. Pogge [R]


"Feeding People versus Saving Nature” Holmes Rolston III [R]





"The Value of Nature" Ronald Sandler [NW]


“A Place for Cost Benefit Analysis” David Schmidtz [R]


“Ideals of Human Excellence and Preserving Natural Environments” Thomas E. Hill Jr.


"Perfect Moral Storm" Stephen Gardiner [NR]



War and Terrorism

  "Is the War on Terrorism a Defense of Civilization' [N]


“Just War Doctrine and the Military Response to Terrorism,” Joseph Boyle [R]


Nipping Evil in the Bud: The Questionable Ethics of Preventive Force

Douglas P. Lackey [W]


“Humanitarian Intervention” Charles R. Beitz [R]

  "Pacifism: Reclaiming the Moral Presumption," William J. Hawk [W]


"Political Reconciliation] Colleen Murphy [NW]